Room 02


Thomas Staub

This small side entrance is placed to the east of the main entrance. It was inserted in a second building phase on the expense of the westernmost part of the shop V 1,8. This is visible on the west wall over the dooropening towards room 1, where the beam holes for the upper floor of this shop are preserved. Also the discrepency in the building used for the eastern wall in comparison to the materials else used in the original building phse indicates the posteriority of this room. Here tuff stone rubble is amongst the material used in the opus incertum, probably the reused left - overs from the blocks which were taken away to open up the door.

This part of the house was excavated between 1836 and 1838 (Pompeianarum Antiquitatum Historia vol. 2 (Fiorelli 1862, 329 - 353))

Dimensions: 0.73 (N) - 0.75 (S) x 2.05 (W) - 3.20 (E) m = ca. 1.92 m2 .The floor is sloping slightly towards the S.

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