The study of Pompeian afterlife aims to achieve three major results. One is to record ancient Pompeian material and Pompeian influences in Sweden from the 18th century to the present. Another is to discuss the motivation behind the references made to Pompeii in classicising architecture and interior decoration. The third is to put the Swedish experience in a larger, international context.

The header Collections houses a reasoned index, presenting Swedish architect sketches from Pompeii (in progress).

The import of sketches from the collection of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (Konstakademien) is made in collaboration between the Academy and the Swedish Pompeii Project. Copyright of the images belongs to the Academy.

In all this collection amounts to c. 200 items.

The Pompeii Revived Collections page contains paintings, drawings and other reproductions of different Pompeian interiors and sites by Swedish artists.

The presentation below was made possible through a grant from Berit Wallenbergs Stiftelse and with the permission of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts. The collection consists of about 200 water coulours and sketches made by Swedish architects in Pompeii and conserved in the archives of the Academy.

Photos Artist Title Medium House Collection Date Location Comments
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Apollo temple Pencil drawing Apollo temple Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Though named "the temple of Venus" by Gellerstedt, this is the eastern side of the portico of the temple of Apollo, seen from northwest. At occasions in the 19th century was named Temple of Venus, and so presumably presented to Gellerstedt in 1864.

Text in picture:
ARKa FRAGMtr (top, elft)
XIII (top, right) original text in picture?

Jacobsson, Ernst Apollo temple Pencil drawing Apollo temple Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Capital displayed in the sanctuary of Apollo, by Jacobsson labeled as Tempio di Mercurio.

Text in picture:
Uppställd i tempio di Mercurio (top, right)

Maj 1868 E Jacobsson (bottom, right)
Clason, Isak Gustaf Basilica Pencil drawing Basilica Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Architectural details from column from the basilica.

Text in picture:
Sockelist å pedestal (below, left)

Skala 1/5 (lower, left)

2 fot från marken

Hela piedestalens lifslängd = 610"; bredd 295"; höjd 400".
Krönande lists höjd = 55" sönderslagen (center)

Murfriband. a"
Kolonn med 20
Refflor. Nästa
Kvart en (…….)
Öfver (….)ringen

Joniskt kapitäl
De på perlband upp-
Spårande pfalmetterna
fula. Äggen med
(…..) effekt.
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham Basilica Pencil drawing Basilica Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Corinthian Captial and base from the basilica by the forum.

Text in picture:
POMPEI Basilikan 1866 1/3 af nat. storlek
Östberg, Ragnar Basilica - column order Pencil drawing Basilica Inventory 1897 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Studies of the columns in the basilica.

Text in picture:

MÅTT UTAN STUCK (below plan of column)


POMPEJI (bottom, left)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43) - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43) - wall painting in not identified room.

A paper with seven studies, four of them named:
Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57)
Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43)
Casa del Citarista (I 4,5)
Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2)

Three of them (in the lower right area) are not named or labeled and they can, depending on the relation to the other drawings on the sheet, belong to either: Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43), Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) or Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) or any other not identified house.

Text in picture:
Vägg i Casa dei Scienziati
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa dei Capitelli Colorati (VII 4,31.51) - Ionic capital Pencil and aquarelle Casa dei Capitelli Colorati (VII 4,31.51) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Ionic capital in Casa dei Capitelli Colorati (VII 4,31.51), peristyl 18.
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa dei Capitelli Colorati (VII 4,31.51) - Ionic capital Pencil and aquarelle Casa dei Capitelli Colorati (VII 4,31.51) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Ionic capital in Casa dei Capitelli Colorati (VII 4,31.51), peristyl 18. Drawn "for the sake of the colors", Nyström explicitly says.

Text in picture:
Se annorstädes den rätta uppmätningen

Det gula en tredje del af hela höjden capitel och bas inberäknad

Pompei 1861 Anystrom
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57) - painting Pencil drawing Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57) - wall painting of one of the walls in the peristyle.

A paper with seven studies, four of them named:
Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57)
Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43)
Casa del Citarista (I 4,5)
Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2)

Three of them (in the lower right area) are not named or labeled and they can, depending on the relation to the other drawings on the sheet, belong to either: Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43), Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) or Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) or any other not identified house.

Text in picture:
Peristylvägg i Casa dei Capitelli figurati

Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Pencil and aquarelle Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9), peristyle
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Aquarelle Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Left: POMPEI; right: Casa di Castor et Pollux
Bottom left: Maj 61; right: Anyström

Bibl. Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (1610: p.401)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Pencil drawing Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9). Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) View of atrium and peristyle of Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9).

Text in picture:
Some word (?? (….) difficult to read.

Casa di Castor e Pollux (frame, brottom)

Väggen i fonden gul, med gula och bruna ränder, från ett litet stycke väggarne emellan rummen (?) och hitanför (?) väggen gul grön brun, Se mitt (....)

Pompei (left)
Anytsröm (bottom, right)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) - detail Pencil and aquarelle Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of a profiled molding in Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9)

Text in picture:
List i en Chamber (?) a coacher (?) (top, two last words difficult to read)

Maj 1861 Anyström Pompei (bottom, left and center)

Casa di Castor et Pollux (bottom, right)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) - details Pencil drawing Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Two of the three studies of details are found in Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9), the table stand and the a cornish. The capital, labelöled as "Stada di Mercurio" at the lower part of the paper, is from house VI 7,25.

Some color remarks made in picture.

Text in picture:
Casa di Castor & Pollux (center)

Strada di Mercurio (below capital)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting in Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9)

Text in picture:
Väggmålning i Casa di Castor & Pollux
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) - plan Pencil drawing Casa dei Dioscuri (VI 9,6.9) Inventory: 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Top: Casa di Castor e Polluce Pompei, Bottom left: Pompei den 2 Maj 1861, Centre: Scalan är (); right Anyström
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa dei Giudizio di Salomone (VIII 5,24-26)(?) Pencil drawing Casa dei Giudizio di Salomone (VIII 5,24-26)(?) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa dei Giudizio di Salomone (VIII 5,24-26)(?)

The text says: List i Casa dei Guidizi (difficult to read) - which could be Casa dei Giudizio di Salomone (VIII 5,24-26), excavated in 1841, and after Jacobssons vitis, in 1882.
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Casa dei Scienziati, VI 14,43 - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa dei Scienziati, VI 14,43 Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa dei Scienziati, VI 14,43, triclinium 20. Parts of the wall painting later taken down and moved to the National museum in Naples.

Text in picture:
Some words difficult to read (..??)

Guirlander i en delning vinquistar i en annan (funee..??) diverse musikaliska instrumenter hängande. (center, right)

denna dekoration i ena ändan af ett aflångt (rum..??) föröfrigt liknande (mälifan..??) men utan kolonnen och guirlander. (below, right)

La pittura Pompeiana, kat. nr. 69, s. 199, 9901.
Östberg, Ragnar Casa dei Vettii (VI 15,1) Pencil drawing Casa dei Vettii (VI 15,1) Inventory 1897 Konstakademien (Sthlm) View of the peristyle in Casa dei Vetti, called Casa Nuovo by Östberg.

Text in picture:
CASA NUOVO (bottom, right)

RÖ (monogram) 97 MARS 21
Östberg, Ragnar Casa dei Vettii (VI 15,1) - section Pencil and aquarelle Casa dei Vettii (VI 15,1) Inventory 1897 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Section through Casa dei Vettii, by Östberg named Casa Nuovo, since the recent excavations.

Text in picture:
At top:

POMPEJI, - CASA NUOVO — SEKTION (below top text)

Remarks concerning the floor material along the bottom on the section, here marked with letters by SPP.

A: granit

B: Lavapesta ("black concrete")


D: Cocciopesto ("concrete) with white marble pieces
CEMENT MED INLAGDA HVITA MARMORFLINGOR Italics crossed over by artist.

E:Lavapesta (Lavapesta ("black concrete") with marble


G: cocciopesto with zigzag pattern

H: cocciopesto ("red concrete")


J: Concrete
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) - wall painting, room not identified.

A paper with seven studies, four of them named:
Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57)
Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43)
Casa del Citarista (I 4,5)
Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2)

Three of them (in the lower right area) are not named or labeled and they can, depending on the relation to the other drawings on the sheet, belong to either: Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43), Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) or Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) or any other not identified house.

Text in picture:
Vägg i Casa della Citarista
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) - mosaic Pencil and aquarelle Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) mosaic Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Mosaic found as threshold between fauces and atrium in Casa del Fauno. Only one half of the mosaic depicted.

Text in picture:
Mosaik på en tröskel i Faunens hus POMPEI

POMPEI (center, right)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) - painting Pencil drawing Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) part of wall painting in the smaller perityle 36.

A paper with seven studies, four of them named:
Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57)
Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43)
Casa del Citarista (I 4,5)
Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2)

Three of them (in the lower right area) are not named or labeled and they can, depending on the relation to the other drawings on the sheet, belong to either: Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43), Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) or Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) or any other not identified house.

Text in picture:
Vägg i Casa del Fauno
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa del Gallo II (IX 2,10) - painting Aquarelle Casa del Gallo II (IX 2,10) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa del Gallo II (IX 2,10), tablinum, decorated vault.
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa del Labirinto (VI 11,9) - mosaic Pencil drawing Casa del Labirinto (VI 11,9) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Part of a frame of a floor mosaic in Casa del Labirinto (VI 11,9).

The mosaic is depicted together with a wall painting from Casa di Holconius Rufus (VIII 4,4).

Text in picture:
POMPEJI Mosaikbård i Casa del Labyrinto
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Casa del Marinaio (VII 15,1-2) - plan Pencil drawing Pompeii. Casa del Marinaio (VII 15,1-2) plan Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Pompeii. Casa del Marinaio (VII 15,1-2) plan of VII 15,2 and the smaller house to the west VII 15,1.

The two houses are identified by Holmgren as "Casa di General Scherman", the excavations General Sherman attended at his visit to Pompeii in 24 of February, 1872.

Text in picture:
Pompej Casa del General Scherman under utgrävning den 8 maj 1872 HTHolmgren

Each room is commented and described, though difficult to read.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa del Zefiro e Flora (VI 10,11) - painting Aquarelle Casa del Zefiro e Flora (VI 10,11) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Floating Bacchic group: Two figures on yellow ground; nude male carrying naked female with draping.

Possible location: Casa del Zefiro e Flora (VI 10,11), room g (oecus)?
Also known as The House of Zephyr and Flora, Casa del Naviglio, the Casa di Zefiro e Clori, Casa di Tintirius and Casa delle Baccanti.

Text in picture:
I.G.CLASON april -84 (bottom, right)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa del Zefiro e Flora (VI 10,11) - painting Aquarelle Casa del Zefiro e Flora (VI 10,11) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Possible location: Casa del Zefiro e Flora (VI 10,11), room g (oecus)?

Floating Bacchic group: Two figures on yellow ground; nude male carrying naked female with draping.

Text in picture:
Pompeji (bottom center)
I.G C. (bottom left)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa della Caccia Nuova (VII 2,25) - painting Aquarelle Casa della Caccia Nuova (VII 2,25) Painting Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa della Caccia Nuova (VII 2,25). Wall painting with floral motifs, found in peristyle in

Text in picture:
I.Gust. Clason april 84 (left side)

Text in picture: VÄGGDEKORATION I EN GÅRD POMPEI (bottom left)

Jacobsson, Ernst Casa della Fontana Grande (VI 8,22) - masks Pencil drawing Casa della Fontana Grande (VI 8,22) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Masks from or displayed in (or close by) Casa della Fontana Grande (VI 8,22). Jacobsson comments masks "vid Grande Fontana", meaning "by Grande Fontana".

Text in picture:
POMPEJI Masker vid Grande Fontana
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa della Fontana piccola (VI 8,23-24) Aquarelle Casa della Fontana piccola (VI 8,23-24) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa della Fontana Piccola (VI 8,23.24), tablinum 19, west wall.

Text in picture. Top centre: Pompei, Bottom left: Maj 1861; centre: Fontana Piccola; right: Anyström
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa della Fontana Piccola (VI 8,23.24) Pencil and aquarelle Casa della Fontana Piccola (VI 8,23.24) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) From Casa della Fontana Piccola (VI 8,23.24), tablinum 19, east wall.

No text in picture, no signature, attributed to Clason by style.
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa della Fontana piccola (VI 8,23) - detail Aquarelle Casa della Fontana Piccola (VI 8,23) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail from wall painting in Casa della Fontana Piccola (VI 8,23)

Text in picture:
Anyström Piccola fontana Pompej (bottom)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa della Fontana piccola (VI 8,23) - painting Pencil drawing Casa della Fontana piccola (VI 8,23) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Study of the west wall in the tablinum 19 in Casa della Fontana piccola.

The tablinum wall in Casa della Fontana piccolo is drawn together with other motifs from Pompeii.

Text in picture:
Vägg i Casa della piccola fontana Tablinum

Colors commented in picture.
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Casa della Parete Nera (VII 4,59) Aquarelle Casa della Parete Nera (VII 4,59) Inventory: 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. bottom centre: Casa della parete nera; left: den 30 april 1872; right: HT Holmgren
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa della Parete Nera (VII 4,59) Pencil drawing Casa della Parete Nera (VII 4,59) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa della Parete Nera (VII 4,59), exedra y, south wall.

Text in picture: (left side)
Svart grund dåligt papper, dåliga ögon dålig dager ej uppbygd, trött et et!! Gudomligt väl utförd teckning!!

Boberg, Ferdinand Casa della Regina Margherita (V 2,1) Aquarelle Casa della Regina Margherita (V.2.1) Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. CASA DI TORELLO. POMPEJ. Färskt 85. F.Boberg

The name of the house given in the picture is erroneous. Casa del Torello (V 1,7) is the close-by neighbour across the street to the east. The remark Färskt, which means fresh probably refers to the fact that the Casa della Regina Margherita was excavated in 1883, less than two years prior to Boberg’s visit.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23) Aquarelle Casa di Apollo Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The texts in the picture says: bottom (left) Väggdekoration i tablinum i Casa di Apollo, Pompei. I. G. Clason,??? mai, 1884." and (right) "Pompei. A. Herenulei Comunis hus - Via Mercurio".
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23) Aquarelle Casa di Apollo Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Top: Casa di Apollo, Bottom left: Pompei maj 1861; right Anyström
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23) - detail Aquarelle Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of wall paining in Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23). Exact location not mentioned.

Text in picture:
Casa di Apollo (top)
Pompei Maj 1861 Anyström (bottom)

Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23) - marble table Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23), Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Marble table, aquarelle and drawing: with measurements given in drawing.

From Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23), from oecus 18.

Text in picture:
(……) = Difficult to read

POMPEI (top)

Bordets bredd = 144"
Fotens bredd:
Vid a = 39"
Vid b = 45"

Å de flesta skära listorna
Hvarandra öfver diagonalen
5’ öfver 45 vinkel. Då att
Dde bli flatare på kort-
Sidan, (……) mera (……)
Och mindre (……)
på långsidan. För dy-
lika fall i vilken (……)
goda verkan.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23) - painting Aquarelle Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Drawing of the south wall of tablinum in Casa di Apollo (VI 7,23), with architectural decoration and garlands with peacocks.

Text in picture:
Casa di Apollo (top)
Pompei Maj 1861 Anyström (bottom)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa di C. Rufus (VIII 4,15) - sculptural Pencil drawing Casa di Cornelius Rufus (VIII 4,15) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Table support with griffins, drawn by Jacobsson in Casa di Cornelius Rufus (VIII 4,15). Today the marble table support are displayed in the National Museum in Naples.

Text in picture:
Bordfot vid fontänen i Casa di Cornelius Rufus
1/10 af nat. Storlek (top, right)

Ornament mellan (.....)fötterna på (...) ...tass. (bottom, right) difficult to read.

Maj 1868 E Jacobsson
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di Caccia Antica (VII 4,48) Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Caccia Antica (VII 4,48) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa di Caccia Antica (VII 4,48). View of atrium, through tablinum to peristyle, slightly of center.The drawing is not finished, the blue ground paintings in not executed, though the red and white areas between the blue panels are marked by Clason.

Atrium with impluvium and puteal. Peristyle with blind wall in rear, columns with lower red, upper fluted white. Columns seems to be tuff with later plastering (has fallen of one of the columns to the left)

Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di Centauro (VI 9,3-5) - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Centauro (VI 9,3-5) Inventory: 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) A study of first style wall painting in Casa di Centauro (VI 9,3-5), presumably cubiculum 3.

Text in picture: Pompei (top left)
I.G. Clason 84 6/4 (bottom left)

Staub Gierow 2008, 69-73.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di Centauro (VI 9,3-5) - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Centauro (VI 9,3-5) Inventory: 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) A study of first style wall painting.
Text in picture: Pompei (top left)

Candidate: VI 9,3-5 Casa di Centauro, presumably cubiculum 3.

Staub Gierow 2008, 69-73.
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Casa di Championet II (VIII 2,3) - mosaic Aquarelle Casa di Championet II (VIII 2,3) Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The mosaic is from a house located between Casa di Championet I (VIII 2,1) and the ’curia’, presumably Casa di Championet II (VIII 2,3).

Black and white mosaic with floral pattern. Thick black board at bottom might indicate the mosaic in adjacent room.

Zahn 1852, vol. 3, plate 96.

Text in picture:
1/5 af nat. st
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Casa di Epidius Rufus (IX 1,20) - plan Pencil drawing Casa di Epidius Rufus (IX 1,20) Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Plan of Casa di Epidius Rufus (IX 1,20)

Text in picture:
Domus Epidi Rufi utgräft 1871 (top)
Pompej den 1 maj 1872 (bottom)
Measurements for all rooms are given, and a window and an inscription are depicted to the left.
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa di Holconius Rufus (VIII 4,4) - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Holconius Rufus (VIII 4,4) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting from the upper part of a wall in one of the rooms to the right of the peristyle.

The wall painting is depicted together with a part of a frame of a floor mosaic in Casa del Labirinto (VI 11,9).

Text in picture:
Casa di Olconius Öfvre delen af väggen i ett rum till höger i peristylen.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) Aquarelle and red ink Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) Large lararium with two pediments in atrium.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) Aquarelle Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of altar (lararium) in presumably Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22)

Text in picture:
POMPEI (upper left corner)
Color descriptions by profile (from top): blått/svart/öfvre färggräns // rödt/blatt/gult // obestämbart./mörkt. Brunt // äkligt (cinob?) // blått // rödt

Bottom left)
Detalj af ett husaltare.
Profilen i hälften.
af naturl. Storlek

I.G.Clason -84 (Bottom right)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) Pencil drawing Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Several studies from Casa di M. Epidi Sabini (IX 1,22) from the atrium and the peristyle.

A: New excavations in the house next to
POMPEJI Nya utgrävningar. Hus bredvid Casa dei Guidcei (name difficult to read) - Str. dell’Abondanza

B: Detail of a wall painting in the peristyle.
Text: Väggdecoration i Peristtylen

C:Capital and base from the peristyle
Text: Kapitel och bas uti Persitylen.

D: The altar in the atrium.
Text: Altare uti Atrium

E: Date and signature
Maj 1868 E Jacobsson
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Casa di Marcus Lucretius (IX 3,5) - painting Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Marcus Lucretius (IX 3,5) painting Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa di Marcus Lucretius (IX 3,5) wall painting in room 7, north wall.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di Meleagro (VI 9,2) Aquarelle Casa di Meleagro (VI 9,2) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa del Meleagro (VI 9,2), room 24 (corithian oecus) seen from room 16 (peristyle).
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Casa di Meleagro (VI 9,2) Aquarelle and gouache Casa di Meleagro Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Bottom left: Pompeji den 22 april 1872; right: HT Holmgren

Holmgren, Herman Teodor Casa di Meleagro (VI 9,2) Aquarelle and gouache Casa di Meleagro Inventory: 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Bottom left: Pompei den 18 april 1872; right: HT Holmgren
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Casa di Meleagro (VI 9,2) - plan Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Meleagro (VI 9,2), plan Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Plan of Casa di Meleagro (VI 9,2)

Text in picture:
Casa di Meleagro (top)
Pompej d 25 april 1872 (bottom, left)
H T Holmgren (bottom, right)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Casa di Nettuno (VI 5,3) - painting Aquarelle Casa di Nettuno (VI 5,3) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting in Casa di Nettuno (VI 5,3), possibly the atrium.

Text in picture:
Casa di Nettuno Obs det gula med fin bord, och det nedre fältet är och tvertom = (........)
Clason, Isak Gustaf Casa di Pansa (VI 6,1) Pencil drawing Casa di Pansa (VI 6,1) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Figural capital in Casa di Pansa (VI 6,1)

Text in picture:
Pansas hus (bottom)
Jacobsson, Ernst Casa di Sallustius (VI 2,4) Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Sallustius (VI 2,4) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Five different studies of Casa di Sallustius on one sheet.
1) Cross section through the house, looking south, from Via Consulare to the rear, viridarium.
2) Two sections of the peristyle wall paintings, motive on the south wall is Diana and Acteon.
3) Section through the viridarium, E-W direction.
4) Plan and section of the triclinium of the peristyle.
5) Detail study of one of the rooms around the atrium.

The peristyle was originally a three side portico with a summer triclinium, and presumably a fountain in the center. The area as almost completely destroyed during bombings on 14-15 of September 1943. Reconstructed in the 1970s.

Text in picture:
Casa di Sallustius (top, right)

1: Cross section through the house, from Via Consulare to the viridarium in the rear.
Med atrium, tablinum och Xnotas (???)

2: Two sections of the peristyle wall paintings
i Peristylen (left)

Tvärsletion af
peristylen (right)

3: Section through the viridarium Measurements given in picture
Inredning vid viridarium (below section to the left)
a ränna för blommor
b vattenreservoir
c bröstvärn (with ’kolonn’ written above)

4: Plan and section of the triclinium of the peristyle
Plan and section. Measurements given

5: Detail study of one of the rooms around the atrium
Above the profile to the right
I ett av rummen vid atrium (aqua)
…spår af färger
1/10 af nat st(orlek)

Sc för sectionera (botton, left)

Maj 1868 E.Jacobsson (bottom, right)
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham Casa di Sirico (VII 1,25.47) - table & basin I Pencil and aquarelle Casa di Sirico (VII 1,25.47) - atrium Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Table and basin in Casa di Sirico (VII 1,25.47), atrium.

Text in picture:
Pompei (bottom)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Casa di Trittolemo (VII 7,5) - plan Pencil drawing Casa di Trittolemo (VII 7,5), plan Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Casa di Trittolemo (VII 7,5), plan. House excavated in 1859 and 1871, the latest excavations presumably months before Holmgrens visit.

Text in picture:
2dra huset från 1rsta tvärgatan vid Porta Marina midtemot Basilican utgräft 1871. (top)

HTHolmgren 18 3/5 72 (bottom, right)

Comments on different rooms (aula (sic), atrium, peristylum ect), and some measurements given in picture.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18) Pencil and aquarelle Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18) Inventory: 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Bottom right: Pompei Domus asellini 8/4 84
Clason, Isak Gustaf Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18) Pencil and aquarelle Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18) Inventory: Piperkällaren. Stora arkivskåpet. 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Bottom left: Del af väggdekoration Pompei. Domus Asellini (Via Mercurio); right: I.G. Clason 8/4

Bibl. Resan no. 25, p. 21.


Se also:
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18) - detail Aquarelle Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18) Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18). Detail of top panel of wall painting from oecus (second on south side) in the peristyle.

Text in picture:
Casa di Adonis et Venus Pompei (bottom, left)
Anyström (bottom, right)
Clason, Isak Gustaf Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47) Pencil drawing Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47) presumablydepicted atrium by entrance VII 1,25

Text in picture:
Bassin-kanten (below section drawing, upper right)

Skålsredden (below lower section drawing, right)
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47) Pencil drawing Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47) Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) View of the atrium of Domus Vedii Siricius . Detail of the marble table at top right corner.

Text in picture:
Impluvium med tillbehör
POMPEJ 1864 A.T.G. (bottom, right)

Some measurements given in picture: length of impluvium (1.440 m), height of the marble table (0.8 m
Jacobsson, Ernst Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47)(?) Pencil drawing Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47)(?) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Domus Vedi Sirici (VII 1,25.47)(?) The house intended could be Casa dei Principi di Russia (VII 1,25.46.47), known as Domus Vedii Siricus by visitors contemporary with Jacobsson. Though the two flanking structured are by others depicted differently with basins and not tables as by Jacobsson.

Text in picture:
Fontän arrangement Casa del Principe di Russia (difficult to read)
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Eumachia (building of) - decoration Pencil drawing Eumachia’s building Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The decorated door frame to the building of Eumachia, named as Chalcidicum by Holmgren.

Text in picture:
Dörrinfattning från Chalcidicum i Pompej
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Eumachia (building of) - facade Pencil drawing Eumachia’s building Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) View of the Building of Eumachia the façade along via Abbondanza. The building is called Chalcidicum by Holmberg.

Right upper corner, a series of profiles are drawn.

Text in picture:

Pompei d 15 april 1872
Chalcidicum fasad åt gatan

Text by profiles (top, right)

Nyström, Axel Fredrik Exedra 9 Via dei Sepolcri Pencil drawing Exedra 9 Via dei Sepolcri Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Exedra or kenotaph outside Herculaneum Gate, Nr. 9 on N side of Via dei Sepolcri.

Excavated 1811-1812.

Mazois, pl. 34

V. Kockel, Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji, Mainz am Rhein 1983, 159f.

Text in picture:
blå i hvalfport vad med svart som under tak af rutan finns kvar ytan af röd stuc Vesuvius synes i fonden. Pompei 1861 Maj
Clason, Isak Gustaf Exedra 9 Via dei Sepolcri (N) Aquarelle Grave exedra or kenotaph inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Exedra or kenotaph outside Herculaneum Gate, Nr. 9 on N side of Via dei Sepolcri.
Excavated 1811-1812.

Mazois, pl. 34

V. Kockel, Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji, Mainz am Rhein 1983, 159f.
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Forum Pencil drawing Forum Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Study of a detail from the Forum, building not mentioned.

Text in picture:
Forum Civilum i Pompei (left)

Croquis Maj 1861 Anyström (right)
Clason, Isak Gustaf Forum baths Pencil and aquarelle Forum baths Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Forum baths, tepidarium, plaster decoration in vaulted ceiling.

Text in picture:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Forum baths Pencil and aquarelle Forum baths Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Forum baths, tepidarium, plaster decoration in vaulted ceiling.

Text in picture:
Del af valfvet
i mindre baden.

Sektion i a-b (center, left)

23/4 84 (bottom, right)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Forum baths - apodyterium Aquarelle Forum baths Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The decorated vault in apodyterium the forum baths.

Text in picture:
Pompei i Bagni
Mörka ej kunde ju annat än med ett halft öga i gången. Superbt ritadt! (top, left)

Anyström (center, left)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Forum baths - caldarium Aquarelle Forum baths Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of the vault decorated with ribs and the column order of the caldarium in the Forum baths.

Text in picture:
I Bagni (top)

Pompei 1861 (bottom, left)
Anyström (bottom, right)
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Forum baths - tepidarium Aquarelle and gouache Forum baths, tepidarium Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) View of walls and decorated vault in the tepidarium, Forum baths.

Text in picture:
TERME PUBBLICHE i POMPEI 34’ långt TEPIDARIUM 13,5’ brett (bottom, center)

Pompei den 7 jan 1872 (bottom, left)

HHolmgren (bottom, right)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Forum triangularum - column order Pencil drawing Forum triangularum Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Study of the Ionic column order "by the Forum triangularum", presumably the Ionic columns by the entrance to the area.

Text in picture:
Some words are difficult to read. From top to bottom, left):

Pompei bredvid Forum triangularum

Scalan 1 3 tum 3 af 2 af från midt tun midt Se (......) med mått

Maj 1861 Anyström

20 cannelurer (in picture, by column shaft)
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Forum triangularum - column orders Pencil drawing Forum triangularum Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Studies of the column orders by the entrance to and in Forum triangularum.

Text in picture 1.
vid ingången
Forum Triangularum

Pompeji den 12 maj 1872


Text in picture 2:
Entablement till pelargången
Vid Foto triangulare

Pompei den 10 maj 1872 HTHolmgren

Jacobsson, Ernst Forum triangularum - order Pencil drawing Forum triangularum Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Details from the peristyle of Forum Triangularum.

Picture 1:
A: Entablement by the outer, Ionic, portico.
Text: POMPEJI Forum Triangularum entablement vid yttre (joniska) portiken. 1/10 af nat. storlek Detalj i full storlek

B: Cornish
Text: KORNISCH-DEL A-B i nat. storlek

Text: List vid D

Text: KORNISCH-DEL B-C i nat. Storlek

E: Signature
Text: Maj 1868 E Jacobsson

Picture 2:
F: The order of Forum triangularum
Text: POMPEJI Ordning vid FORUM TRIANGULARUM 1/10 af nat. st.

G:Width of the metope, 0.31m.
Text: Metopens bredd är 0.31.

H:Triglyph and mutul
Text: Triglyph-mutul Sofiten

I: Metope-mutul

K: Signature
13 maj 1868 E Jacobsson
Clason, Isak Gustaf House (not identified) - altar Aquarelle House, altar (not identified) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Altar (lararium)
Jacobsson, Ernst House (not identified) - altar Pencil drawing House (not identified) - Altar Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Altar in not identified house. Measurement and colors given in picture.
Clason, Isak Gustaf House (not identified) - architectural I Pencil and aquarelle House (not identified) architectural element I Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House (not identified) architectural element I.

text in picture:

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Boberg, Ferdinand House (not identified) - Ionic capital Pencil drawing House (not identified) Ionic capital Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Ionic capital

Text in picture:
POMPEJ (bottom)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:

Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor House (not identified) - Ionic capital Pencil drawing House (not identified) Ionic capital Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House (not identified) Ionic capital, with profile.

Text in picture:
Pompej. 64
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor House (not identified) - mask I Pencil drawing House (not identified) Mask I Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Theatrical mask in profile and enface.

Text in picture:
MASKER (FACE & PROFIL) från POMPEJ Teckn. eft. reskamraten Leo Chatelain fr. Neuchatel
Af ATG (monogram) 1864
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor House (not identified) - roof detail Pencil drawing House (not identified) roof detail Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Water spout in terracotta, house not identified.

Text in picture:
Vattenkastare i bränd lera
POMPEJ 1864 ATG (monogram)
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham House (not identified) - table I Pencil drawing House (not identified) - table I Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Marbe table in Pompei (as given by the text in picture), location not identified.

Text in picture:
Marmor bord i Pompei (bottom)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf House (not identified) - table support I Pencil drawing House, table support (not identified) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House, table support (not identified)

Text in picture:
POMPEI (top)
Measurements given in drawing.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor House (not identified) - table support I Pencil drawing House (not identified) Table support I Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Table support with lions head.

Text in picture:
Pompej. 1864
ATG (monogram)
Clason, Isak Gustaf House (not identified) - table support II Pencil drawing House (not identified) - table stand II Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House (not identified) - table support II

Text in picture:
POMPEI (top, left)

Bordsfot (bottom)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Nyström, Axel Fredrik House (not identified) I Aquarelle House (not identified) I Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House (not identified)
Clason, Isak Gustaf House (not identified) II Pencil and aquarelle House (not identified) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House (not identified)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Holmgren, Herman Teodor House (not indentified) - architectural details Pencil and aquarelle House (not indentified) Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Studies of architectural details in color.

Text In picture:
Pompej den11 jan 1872
HT Holmgren
Clason, Isak Gustaf House (not indentified) - architectural III Pencil drawing House (not indentified) architectural element III Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Study of acanthus leaf.
Jacobsson, Ernst House (not indetified) - sculptural Pencil drawing House (not indetified) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Table support, location not mentioned.
Johansson, Aron House (not indetified) - sculptural I Pencil drawing House (not indetified) Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House (not indetified) - sculptural I
Object with decorated reliefs, location not specified. Johansson’s drawings from his visit to the National Museum in Naples is dated ten days later than this drawing, so its fair to assume it was on display in Pompeii?

Text in picture:
14: 4: 85
A Johansson
Johansson, Aron House (not indetified) - sculptural II Pencil drawing House (not indetified) Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House (not indetified) - sculptural II. Table support from Pompeii?
Clason, Isak Gustaf House of Caecilius Iucundus V 1,26 Aquarelle Casa di Cecilio Iocondo (V 1,26) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) House of Caecilius Iucundus (V 1,26), peristyle. Only known representation of the waternymph belonging to the decoration of the north portico, described by A. Mau, BdI 1876, 231.
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Insula VI 8, plan Pencil drawing Insula VI 8, plan Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Plan of insula VI, 8, which includes among others: Casa del Poeta Tragico (VI 8,3), Casa della Fontana Grande (VI 8,22) and Casa della Fontana Piccola (VI 8,23)

Text in picture:
Regio VI, Ins. XIII.

Stamped with
Gellerstedts samling
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Jupiter Melichio (VIII 7,25) - altar Pencil drawing Jupiter Melichio (VIII 7,25), altar Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Altar of the sanctuary of Jupiter Melichio , also called temple of Aesculapius.

Text in picture:
Altar i Tempio di Aesculap (top)

1.3 meter brett 1.43 "" långt (center)

Pompei den 16 april 1872
HT Holmgren (bottom)
Jacobsson, Ernst Jupiter Melichio (VIII 7,25) - altar Pencil drawing Jupiter Melichio (VIII 7,25) Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Study of the altar of the sanctuary of Jupiter Melichio, earlier also called temple of Aesculapius.

Drawn together with other motifs from Pompeii.

Text in picture:
Altare vid Aesculaptemplet 5 cm = 1 m (top)

List vid A (by profile)

Maj 1868 E Jacobsson (bottom, right)
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Macellum Pencil and aquarelle Macellum Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall paintings in the smaller rooms (not identified exactly which) in the macellum, named as Panteon by Holmgren.

Text in picture:
Panteon små rummen (bottom, center)
Pompej den 21 april 1872 (bottom, left)
HTHolmgren (bottom, right)
Johansson, Aron Miscellaneous Pencil drawing House (not identified) Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Miscellaneous objects. Arrangement?

Text in picture:
Pompei 5: 5: 85
A Johansson
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Miscellaneous Pencil and aquarelle Miscellaneous Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Sima with water spout in terracotta. Pompei, exact location unknown.
Text: Pompei
1861 i maj Anyström

Text: Vin amforor
Pompei Maj 1861 Anyström

Miscellaneous objects in arrangement.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Mosaic (not identified) I Pencil and gouache House and mosaic (not identified) I Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Two studies of mosaics; floor and threshold.

Floor: Black and white mosaic with geometric pattern.
Text in picture:

Threshold: Mosaic threshold with floral motive and birds.
Text in picture:

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:

Clason, Isak Gustaf Mosaic (not identified) II Gouache House and mosaic (not identified) II Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Black and white mosaic with geometric floral pattern.

Text in picture
SKALA 1/5 (upper left)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Mosaic (not identified) III Aquarelle House and mosaic (not identified) III Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Star pattern of not identified media: mosaic?

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Mosaic (not identified) V Pencil drawing House and mosaic (not identified) V Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Mosaic (not identified) V.

Text in picture:

POMPEI (top)

Mosaik (…..) marmortärningar I tegelstensbeton

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Johansson, Aron National Museum, Naples - architectural Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Architectural fragment from the museum in Naples.

Text in picture:

Den 24 Juni 1885 A Johansson (Bottom, right)
Johansson, Aron National Museum, Naples - architectural Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Architectural fragments from the museum in Naples.

Text in picture:
FRAGMENT FRÅN POMPEJI Museo di Napoli 22: 4: 85 A Johansson (bottom)
Holmgren, Herman Teodor National Museum, Naples - furniture Pencil drawing National museum, furniture Inventory 1871 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Studies of preserved bronze furniture and furniture depicted in wall paintings in the National museum in Naples.

Text in picture (above)
Brons möbler från Pompej i Neapel museum den 27 dec 71

Text in picture (below)
Möbler från Pompejanka målningar i Neapel den 9 dec 1871
Holmgren, Herman Teodor National Museum, Naples - Ionic capital Pencil drawing House (not identified) Inventory 1871 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Ionic capital in the National Museum in Naples.

Text in picture:
1/4 skal Stuck kapitel i Pompej Neapel den 22 dec 1871 HT Holmgren
Nyström, Axel Fredrik National Museum, Naples - masks Aquarelle National Museum, Naples — masks Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Two masks depicted, named only as ’Pompei’ and Nyströms signature Anyström, location unknown as well as the media the masks originally are made in, sculptures or paintings.
Clason, Isak Gustaf National Museum, Naples - mosaic Pencil and aquarelle Villa delle Colonne a Mosaico Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Columns with mosaic decoration from Villa delle Colonne a Mosaico outside Porta Ercolano

Text in picture:
MUSEET I NAPOLI (top left)

Antik kolonn dekorerad med mosaik inläggning
ungefär hälften (center left)

Övfre delen (center, left)

Other notes made in picture are difficult to read.
Clason, Isak Gustaf National Museum, Naples - mosaic Aquarelle Museo Nazionale, Naples Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in pictures:
Nyström, Axel Fredrik National Museum, Naples - mosaic I Aquarelle National Museum, Naples — mosaic I Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Mosaic in National Museum, Naples.

Text in picture:
Mosaik i Museet i Neapel Anyström maj 1861
Nyström, Axel Fredrik National Museum, Naples - mosaic II Aquarelle National Museum, Naples — mosaic II Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Mosaic in National Museum, Naples.

Text in picture:
Mosaikgolf från
Pompei i
muséet Na (top)

Neapel i maj 1861 Anyström (bottom)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik National Museum, Naples - mosaic III Aquarelle National Museum, Naples — mosaic III Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Mosaic in the National Museum, Naples.

Text in picture:
mosaik i muséet - Anyström

Neapel 1861
Nyström, Axel Fredrik National Museum, Naples - mosaic IV Aquarelle National Museum, Naples — mosaic IV Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) mosaik i muséet

Neapel 1861 Anyström
Holmgren, Herman Teodor National Museum, Naples - painting Pencil and aquarelle National Museum, Naples — wall paintings Inventory 1871-1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Studies of wall paintings in the National museum of Naples. House and location in not known.

Text in picture 1:
Under each frame: Naturlig storlek
Neapel den 9 Dec 1871
HT Holmgren

Text in picture 2:
Pompejanska väggmålningar från museet i Neapel den 23 nov 1871
HT Holmgren

Text in picture 3:
Från museum
Neapel den 15 maj 1872
HT Holmgren
Johansson, Aron National Museum, Naples - painting Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples - painting Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The upper painting presumably a pastiche on different satyrs from Villa di Cicero (La pittura Pompeiana, sid. 128f). The lower found in the museum according to Zahn 1828, vol. Nr. 96, though with mirrored faced.
Holmgren, Herman Teodor National Museum, Naples - relief Pencil drawing House (not identified) Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Relief in National Museum, Naples. Relief often called "Bacchus at the House of Icarius", several copies exist.

Text in picture:
Difficult to read: "Dionysos" named, as well as "gästabud".
Clason, Isak Gustaf National Museum, Naples - sculptural Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples - sculpture Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture:


MÅTT 27’ 8’17 HAR DELN-
INGEN =11’ BÅDA BRA (left, low)
Clason, Isak Gustaf National Museum, Naples - sculptural Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples - Table stand Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Table support from National Museum, Naples.

Measurements given at each drawing

Text in picture:
SEKTION a-b (lower right)
FOTEN (lower left)
Clason, Isak Gustaf National Museum, Naples - sculptural Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples - sculptural Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Table support from National Museum, Naples.

Text in picture:

SKÅLENS DIAMETER = 265" (above drawing)

KRING FOTEN (right side)

Height given as 335"!
Holmgren, Herman Teodor National Museum, Naples - sculptural Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples - sculptural Inventory 1871-1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Sculptural table support , basins and bases from the museum in Naples.

Text in picture 1:
Neapel den 3 jan 1872
HT Holmgren

Rigth drawing: Marble table support sculptured as a sphinx. Found between the columns in the second peristyle on 1st July 1831.Inventory number 6869.

Text in picture 2:
Neapel den 13 dec 1871
HT Holmgren

Text in picture 3:
Neapel den 1 okt 1871
HT Holmgren
Nyström, Axel Fredrik National Museum, Naples - sculptural Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples — sculptural Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Marble candelabra in the National Museum in Naples.

Text in picture:
Marmor candelaber i Museet i Neapel

Se ytterligare (…..)

Jun 1861 Nyström
Johansson, Aron National Museum, Naples - sculptural I Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples - Table support Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Marble table support sculptured as a sphinx. Found between the columns in the second peristyle on 1st July 1831.Inventory number 6869.

Text in picture:
21: 4: 85
A Johansson
Johansson, Aron National Museum, Naples - sculptural II Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Objects from the museum in Naples.

Text in picture:
Bord af hvit marmor från Pompeji

Vas af hvit marmor (grekisk)

Bord med lejonfot

Genomskärning af skålen

Bord af hvit marmor

Från Museum i Napoli den 24 Juni 1885 A Johansson
Johansson, Aron National Museum, Naples - sculptural III Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Marble candelabra from the National Museum in Naples?
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham National Museum, Naples - sculptural x 3 Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples — sculptural Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Three drawings of candelabra in the museum in Naples.

On first drawing, text in picture:
Antika Marmor candelabrar i Museet i Neapel. 1/10 af nat. Storleken

In Swedish, "candelabrar" is plural, which most likely refers to the other two drawings.
Jacobsson, Ernst National Museum, Naples - studies Pencil drawing National Museum, Naples Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Studies from the National Museum in Naples, dated 16-18 of March and 3-4 of June 1868.

Picture 1: Puteal
Text: Putealer i museum, Napoli 4/6 1868

Picture 2:
Text: Antik sarkifag

Neapels museum 3/4 1868

Picture 3:Table support
Bordsfot från Pompeji
d 17 mars 1868 E Jacobsson

Picture 4:
d 17 mars 1868 E Jacobsson

Picture 5:
Museum I Neapel 16/3 68

Picture 6:
Text: NEAPELS MUSEUM Öfre delen af en Pompejansk bronz- kandelaber

Öfversidan af skålen

d 18 mars 1868 E Jacobsson
Holmgren, Herman Teodor National Museum, Naples - terracotta details Pencil and aquarelle National Museum, Naples Inventory 1871 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Terracotta fragments from roof structures in the Museum in Naples.

Terracotta fragment
Pompej i Neapels museum den 23 dec 1871
HT Holmgren
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Odeion (small theatre) Pencil drawing Odeion (small theatre) Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Odeion, one of the atlantids supporting the auditorium.

Text in picture (bottom)
Teatro comico
Pompei den 10 maj 1872
Clason, Isak Gustaf Porta Marina Pencil drawing Porta Marina Inventory: 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Text in picture. Bottom: Porta Marina. Pompeji, 23/4 84.
Boberg, Ferdinand Stabian baths Pencil drawing Stabian baths Inventory 1885 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Plaster decoration in barrel vault in Stabian baths.

Text in picture:
Ungefärlig genomskärning (erased text) nat. storlek

DEKORATION i stuck af tunnvalfvet öfver väntsalen i TERME STABIANE POMPEJ.
Mycket låg relief. Utan spår af färg. Sannolikt icke fullbordadt. (bottom)
Jacobsson, Ernst Stabian baths Pencil and aquarelle Stabian baths Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The decoration of the vault in the tepidariuma in the Stabian baths.

Text in picture:
Decorering af hvalfvet Tepidarium, Thermerna (top, right)

Ankom till Pompeji d 8 maj
Afreste den 8 juni 1868.
Maj 1868 E Jacobsson (bottom, right)
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham Stabian baths - decoration Pencil drawing Stabian baths Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Upper drawing: Stabian baths, decorated vault, apodyterium.Decorated vault withoctagon pattern with swastikas and figural motifs.

Lower drawing: Stabian baths, caldarium in the womens bath, decoration of the upper zone of the wall and the lower zone of the ceiling.
Jacobsson, Ernst Stabian baths - studies Pencil drawing Stabian baths Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) A series of studies of details in the different rooms in the Stabian baths.

A: Decoration of the vault in tepidarium.
Delar af hvalfvet i Apodyterium

B: Tegulae mammatae found in the tepidarium and caldarium
Tegel vid dubbla murarna i Tepidarium & Caldarium

C: Detail of the list works in the portico.
(Moulure ?) i Portiken (first word difficult to read)

D: POMPEJI Detaljer från de nya Thermerna

Maj 1868 E Jacobsson

E: Text in picture:"List öfver fördjupningen"

F: Details of the vault decoration in tepidarium
Hvalfdecorering i Tepidarium

G: Capital in the portico of the palaestra
Text: Kapitel vid Palestrans portik

H: View of the apodyterium
Det inre af apodyterium
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Stabian baths, apodyterium Pencil drawing Stabian baths, apodyterium Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Drawing of the decorated vault of the apodyterium of the Stabian baths.

Text in picture:
Pompej. 1864 A.T.G.
Jacobsson, Ernst Temple of Isis Pencil drawing Temple of Isis Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) View of the temple of Isis.

The temple of Isis is drawn together with other motifs from Pompeii.
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Temple of Isis, painting Pencil and aquarelle Temple of Isis, painting Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting with acanthus festoons found above a wall painting with Egyptian motifs.
Now in National Museum in Naples.

Text in picture:
Museo Nazionale
18/5 ATG (monogram) 64 (center, left)

POMPEI (center, right)
Jacobsson, Ernst Tile and terracotta roof details Pencil drawing Unknown Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Studies of tile and terracotta elements from roofs, as stated in A.

Text: Pompeji. Tegel och terracotta arbeten till tak

B: Sima with water spout.
Text: Takränna med utkastare

C: Antefixes
Text: Tegel på framsidan af täcktegel

D: Ridge tile

E: Vent hole or "roof window"
Text: Takfönster

F: Water spout in corner of roof
Text: Utkastare i vinkel

G: Antefix, sima and water spout
Text: Cymaite (?) med utkastare och ome- rade (?) täcktegel

Text: Tegel i bamen (?); de pric- kade linierna föreställa de när- maste teglen

I: Vent hole or "roof window"
Text: Takfönster af tegel

K: Signature
Text: Den 9 maj 1868 E Jacobsson
Clason, Isak Gustaf VI 7,25 Pencil drawing VI 7,25 Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Capital from Casa VI 7,25.
Clason, Isak Gustaf Via Consolare/Nola-Vesuvio/Stabiana Aquarelle Public Fountain Inventory: 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Via dei Sepolcri - detail Pencil drawing Via dei Sepolcri Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of, presumably, a monument along Via dei Sepolcri, the exact location, or type of building is not specified by Nyström. By Nyström mentioned as "by the street of the tombs", and in 1861, only Via dei Sepolcri was excavated.

Text in picture:
POMPEI utanför vid gravgatan fris i marmor (top, left)

Maj 1861
Anyström (bottom, left)
Jacobsson, Ernst Via di Mercurio - painting Pencil drawing Via di Mercurio Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The drawing is named "outer wall on Via di Mercurio (Strada Mercurio), a façade decoration?

The Via di Mercurio painting is drawn together with other motifs from Pompeii.

Text in picture:
Utvändig mur i Str. Mercurio
Jacobsson, Ernst Vicolo del Balcone pensile - details Pencil drawing Vicolo del Balcone pensile Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Details from houses along Vicolo del Balcone pensile

Table stand from Casa di Narcisso (VII 12,21) and presumably a pluteus (no 19) from a house along Vicolo del Balcone pensile. The reference of the numbers are not clear — 1868 is prior to the structuring of the region division of Fiorelli.

Details: a fist style wall painting (or façade?) and some minor studies.

Text in picture:
Vicolo del balcone pensile no 3 (right side)

trädgårdsomhägnad V Balcone pensile no 19 (left side)

Rökelsehandel (difficult to read) utan decoration (bottom, right)
Jacobsson, Ernst VII 3,21 - painting Pencil and aquarelle VII 3,21 Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) The decoration in the vaulted ceiling of oecus c, VII 3,21.

Found on a paper with seven studies, four of them named:
Casa dei Capitelli figurati (VII 4,57)
Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43)
Casa del Citarista (I 4,5)
Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2)

The three studies in the lower right area is not labeled. A study for a wall painting, a minor decoration (cyma) and a painting, presumably a ceiling.

Three of them (in the lower right area) are not named or labeled and they can, depending on the relation to the other drawings on the sheet, belong to either: Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14,43), Casa del Citarista (I 4,5) or Casa del Fauno (VI 12,2) or any other not identified house.
Clason, Isak Gustaf VIII 2,13 - mosaic Pencil drawing VIII 2,13 Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Mosaic from the entrance of VIII 2,13.

Text in picture:

POMPEI (top)
Kanten utom-

Midten af
Små quadranterna
Midten å stjernan (under center details)

Hvita och svarta marmortärningar inladga i tegel-
stensbeton och sedan afslipadt (bottom)
Jacobsson, Ernst Villa di Diomede Pencil and aquarelle Villa di Diomede Inventory 1868 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Villa di Diomede. Named" Casa di Diomede", intending Villa di Diomede, a decorated vault in a room connected to the garden.

Text in picture:
Hvalf i Casa di Diomede
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Wall painting (not identified) "traces" Pencil drawing Wall painting (not identified) "traces" Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Three figures traces on the actual walls in Pompeii.

Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham Wall painting (not identified) I Pencil and aquarelle House and wall painting (not identified) I Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting (not identified)

Black ground wall painting. Two lower zones drawn and painted, upper part not captured or not preserved.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Wall painting (not identified) I Aquarelle Wall painting (not identified) I Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail from not identifed wall painting.
Scholander, Fredrik Wilhelm Wall painting (not identified) I Aquarelle Wall painting (not identified) I Inventory 1843 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting in not identified house.

Text in picture:

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham Wall painting (not identified) II Pencil and aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) II Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting (not identified)
White ground wall painting. Two upper zones drawn and painted.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor Wall painting (not identified) II Aquarelle Wall painting (not identified) II Inventory 1864 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting (not identified) II

Text in picture:
Målad kandelaber (bottom)
Nyström, Axel Fredrik Wall painting (not identified) II Aquarelle Wall painting (not identified) II Inventory 1861 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of wall painting.

Text in picture:
Borruppen POMPEI Pingstagen (top)

Pompei Pingstdagen 1861 (bottom, left)

Anyström (bottom, right)
Scholander, Fredrik Wilhelm Wall painting (not identified) II Aquarelle Wall painting (not identified) II Inventory 1843 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting in not identified house.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) III Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) III Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Tondo with male head and kantharos. Yellow ground. (not identified)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham Wall painting (not identified) III Pencil and aquarelle House and wall painting (not identified) III Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting (not identified)
Presumably a black ground painting since the short hand "sv" för svart (black) are noted at several places in the center panel.

Text in picture:
Rödbr. (…..) (top)
Sv (in panels as several places)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Scholander, Fredrik Wilhelm Wall painting (not identified) III Aquarelle Wall painting (not identified) III Inventory 1843 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Painting of ceiling, presumably not from Pompeii. Study inspired by Pompeii.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) IV Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) IV Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting, black ground.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) IX Pencil and aquarelle House (not identified) Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting (not identified) IX

Wall painting with blue ground.

No text in picture, no signature, attributed to Clason by style.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) V Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) V Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Three decorative elements. Not identified.

Text in picture:
Pompei (bottom center)
I.G. Clason. 8/4 84. (bottom right)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Dahl, Frans Gustaf Abraham Wall painting (not identified) V Pencil drawing House and wall painting (not identified) V Inventory 1886 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Pencil drawing with remarks concerning color.
sv = svart (black)
br = brun (brown)
bl = blå (blue)
gr, or g = grön (green)
hv, or v = vit (white)

gul = (yellow)
rödt = (red)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) VI-a Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) VI-a Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) VI-b Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) VI-b Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) VI-c Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) VI-c Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) VII-a Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) VII-a Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of wall painting: Study of birds and griffins.

Text in picture:
Pompei (top center)
I.G. Clason. 5/4 84. (bottom right)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) VII-b Aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) VII-b Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) X-a Pencil and aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) X-a Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Detail of wall painting: candelabra.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) X-b Pencil and aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) X-b Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting, presumably a panel to the right is not depicted/preserved.

Text in picture:
IG CLASON 84 (bottom, right)

Small letters (difficult to read);
In left frame: rödare
Måhända cinober (in margin of right frame, difficult to read)

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Clason, Isak Gustaf Wall painting (not identified) X-c Pencil and aquarelle House and Wall painting (not identified) X-c Inventory 1884 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Wall painting: one panel of the decorated wall.

Any suggestions for identification, please e-mail:
Holmgren, Herman Teodor Wall paintings (studies) Pencil, aquarelle, gouache House (not identified) Inventory 1872 Konstakademien (Sthlm) Series of studies of wall paintings in Pompeii. Only top painting of first paper identified: from Domus M. Asellini (VI 7,18).

Text in picture 1:
Pompej 10 maj 1872 (bottom of top picture)
TH Holmgren

Text in picture 2:
Pompej d 6 maj 1872 (bottom of both pictures)
TH Holmgren

Text in picture 3:
Pompej d 18 april 1872 (bottom of left picture)
TH Holmgren

Pompej d 20 april 1872 (bottom of right picture)
TH Holmgren

Text in picture 4:
Pompej d 9 maj 1872 (bottom, left)
utgräft 1871 (bottom, center)
TH Holmgren (bottom, right)

Text in picture 5:
Pompej d 25 april 1872 (bottom, left)
TH Holmgren (bottom, right)