West Wall


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

This wall contains the large door opening, with two antae, and a round, conical window to the S anta. The window functioned as a ventilation hole for the hearth originally found in the SW corner. It indicates that the door might have been closed when the hearth was in use, otherwise no ventilation opening would have been necessary.

The wall on both ends is built massively in opus quadratum. The two wall sections bound to the S and N wall of V 1,13 respectively, and they constitute an original feature of the building.

North anta: The anta is preserved to a height of 2.87m. A rectangular, small cutting is found in the lower part of block 2 (lower part, c. 0.96m above counter). This cutting could be connected to the cuttings for shelves mentioned by Mau.

In the doorframe are large cavities found in the lower stones. They are eroded and is not possible to see if thesy were original cuttings or simply the result of heavy, but natural, erosion of the stone.

There are a few fragments of plaster preserved on the wall, but none that extends over the joints.

There are traces of repairs (ancient) in the doorframe, just above the counter, where cracks similar to earthquake damage are seen. Smaller repairs have also been done in the wall: where the lower block is very cracked, it was mended with plaster and small stones.

South anta: The upper block, with the window, is cracked and could give the impression of constituting several blocks. A cutting, for what appears like a lintel, is found at a level of 2.6m; it is, however, very shallow and irregular. Since there are no traces of any cuttings for the lintel on the north part of the wall, which is preserved to a higher level, we can exclude the cutting as intended for a lintel. The door must then be of at least 2.87m in height.

Light red plaster is found in the lower corner, with a broken edge at a height of 0.43 m above the floor. The plaster continues behind the remains of the structure in the SW corner identified as a hearth.

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