Room g (tablinum)


Thomas Staub

The Tablinumg of the house is situated out of the central axe of the atrium. It opens up in its entire width towards the atrium, whereas the opening towards the peristyle is framed by two narrow wall portions. The face side towards the atrium and the inner front part of the north and south walls were enhanced by stuccoed pilasters, which are mostly lost today.
Since most of the two main walls, the north and south are either covered by plaster or are modern reconstructions, not much can be said about the building material and technique. But it seems, as if both walls originally were constructed in opus incertum, in the north wall made of mainly sarno stone rubble, in the south wall of mainly lava rubble. The north east corner and the north part of the east wall are built in opus testaceum, may be an ancient repair. The walls are decorated with wall paintings belonging to the Fourth style, today in quite a bad state of preservation, but partly descried by August Mau in 1877. Also the floor is mostly damaged today, but it seems to have been made of lavapesta, containing some larger pieces of ceramiques. The border towards the atrium seems to have been unmarked, in the opening towards the peristyle several pieces of a threshold can be observed, but it seems uncertain, whether they belong to this opening.

In earlier literature (See PPM,1991), a wall painting depicting a garland of leaves, flowers and fruits, which is the first wall painting cut out from a wall in Pompeii in 1748 was attributed to the south wall of this room. But later research (Pagano & Prisciandaro 2006) and the re-examination of early plans of the excavated areas of Pompeii (Giosué Russo 1817 1817 and 1832 by Baldwin and Cradock ) show, that the excavations in Pompeii started in the south west part of insula V 1 (V 1,29 - 32 and parts of V 1,7, and that thus this painting must come from that area.

L N-Wand: 4.57 m

L S-Wand: 4.63 m

B Öffnung zum atrium = W-Seite: 4.11 m

L O-Wand: 4.13 m

Fläche: ca. 18.95 m2.

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