South Wall


Thomas Staub

The 2.42 m wide opening to the street takes up nearly the complete width of the southern side. The jambs of the facade are protruding for only about 0.03 m, thus just marking the line of the 0.45 m deep entrance. The jambs are built in opus quadratum using tuff stone blocks. Six rows of blocks are preserved, the lowest two with a height of 0.82 m, the others with a height of 0.7 m. On top of the east jamb a figured capital was found at the excavation 1837 and is now stored in the magazine at the forum in Pompeii (Inv. nr. 295-4). In the middle of the western doorjamb, on the side facing the opening, at about 3.65 m height, a round hole (diam. 0.10 m, d: 0.08 m) can be observed.

w: 2.48 m, max. preserved h: 4.45 m, depth of dooropening towards via di Nola: 0.45 m.

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