

Thomas Staub

Stair: In the entrance from room h, three steps are placed, the uppermost serving as threshold as well. The lowest step is 0.17 m high, 0.70 m wide and 0.29 m deep, and consists of one Sarno stone block. The second step, partly damaged, is now 0.65 m wide, 0.45 m deep and 0.20 m high, and is built of Sarno stone, tuff and lava. This step reaches over the channel coming from room h, but probably its northern part is broken off. Underneath the eastern side of this step, a 0.40 m long part of lead pipe is visible, running from south to north. The lava-block of the threshold, serving as third step, is 0.18 m high and 1.10 m wide.

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