West Wall


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

West wall
The wall is located between room c and taberna 25. It has a north-south orientation.

The wall is built in opus incertum and consists mostly of limestone, some cruma and lava and a couple of brick fragments.

The lower part of wall is covered by wall-plaster, otherwise by plaster coating, which is preserved to highest level of 2.40 m. There are several layers of plaster under-coating. The upper part of preserved wall plaster has chop marks in the under-coating, which is covered by another layer of wall plaster.

There are remains of vertical red stripes on a white background. Two stripes are found 0.75 m from the NW corner. There is a distance of 0.25 m between the two stripes and 0.90 m between the innermost red stripe and the central white area.

State of preservation:
The upper part is missing and the uppermost part is reconstructed. There are remains of wall-plaster and plaster coating on the wall.

Dimensions: l. 3.08 m; h. 4.40 m

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