West Wall


Henrik Boman

The W wall in room 2 is on the south side built in opus mixtum, abutting to the S wall (inner surface of façade), with two bands of bricks extending to the southern door frame to room 1, which is built in opus listatum. The other surface of the wall is opus incertum in the center and upper part.
The lintel is modern (concrete, today dilapidated), as well as the wall above this level. Some tufa stones in the opus listatum are substituted for modern ones. The opus listatum wall seems to be ancient all the way up to the lintel. The height of the door is not consistent with the other minimum heights of doors in the building, so it is reasonable to assume that the door originally was higher.
A breach made by tunnellers is found in the center of the wall, mended with the yellow brick, as used in other mending in the house, and lime stone.

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