Room 2


Henrik Boman

Room 2 is a small narrow room with access from the area behind the counter in room 1.

The walls are built in a combination of opus testaceum, opus mixtum with opus incertum and opus listatum. As found throughout the building, lateral bands of five to seven brick rows, typical for opus mixtum, extending over the walls in two levels.

The floor is cocciopesto. In the center of the room, the floor is destroyed and the eruption debris is left in situ by the first excavators. Pottery and burn material was discovered in the debris and left in situ in 2011.

There are no features preserved in the room except a terracotta pipe in the west wall leading from an assumed upper floor. No traces of an installation in relation to the pipe were found in 2011, though the debris found in the unexcavated center of the room might have belonged to a structure connected to the pipe.

In both the west and east walls there are breaches made by tunnellers/excavators. Today repair with stones and yellowish brick.

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