Room 08


Thomas Staub

The cubiculum8 is situated at the eastern side of the atrium, just to the north of the cubiculum7. Most of the walls are still covered with plaster, partly preserving decorations. These belongs in the soccle and middle zone to the Third Style, in the upper zone to the maybe original decorations of the First Style. Also the pavement of coccio-pesto with inserted geometric pattern in mainly white marble tesserae is attributed to the First Style. Where the masonry is visible, it mostly shows cruma set into a reddish mortar, belonging to the original building phase of the house. Only the uppermost parts and the repair of a damage in the original masonry on the north wall are modern. The only alteration, which the room went through was the later opening up of a doorway in the north wall, opening up towards ala9.

This part of the house was excavated between 1836 and 1838 (Pompeianarum Antiquitatum Historia vol. 2 (Fiorelli 1862, 329 - 353))

Dimensions: 3.25 (N wall) - 3.30 m (S wall) x 3.20 (W wall) - 3.25 m (E wall) = 10.56 m2

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