

Mats Holmlund

The floor of the room was originally made in cocciopesto, but is mostly missing today. The floor was between 0.04 and 0.08 m thick and only extant parts are found along the south wall in the west corner, along the east wall, in the northeast corner, along the north wall, and in the northwest corner of the room. Presumably the floor broke during the eruption and was removed when the room originally was excavated.
The best preserved of the extant areas is located along the northern wall of the room. Although the parts remaining are small, some instances of the surface of the floor remain and gives us an indication of what the floor originally looked like.

The south wall area mainly consists of the remains of the bedding of the floor, but circa 1.00 m from the west corner, a piece of the floor indicates its composition, showing pieces of coccio embedded in white mortar. The area starts in the southwest corner, is approximately 1.15 m wide and 0.20 m high.

The area along the east wall also consists of floor bedding. It begins circa 1.00 m from the south wall, is 0.08 m wide at its widest point and 1.06 m high.

Like the former area, the floor of the northeast corner mainly consists of bedding and is very fragile. It is circa 0.70 m wide at the widest point and 1.50 m high. At its west side, a limestone block delimits the area. Since the bedding of floor connects to the block, the block probably is in situ.

The area of the north wall is made up of three small patches of floor. The surface is extant in all three patches. The first (westernmost) patch is located approximately 1.18 m from the northwest corner, is 0.14 m wide, and 0.08 m high. The second is located 1.78 m from the corner, is 0.40 m wide, and 0.10 m high. The third and last, is located 2.26 m from the corner, is 0.40 m wide, and 0.12 m high.

The area in the northwest corner consists of floor bedding. It is circa 0.56 m wide and 0.36 m high at its highest point.

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