South Wall


Renée Forsell

The wall is built in op incertum and consists mainly of limestone, and in the upper part cruma, some lava stones and a few spolia including terracotta, plaster fragments and a piece of cocciopesto. The wall is to a considerable extent covered by mortar and plaster, except for a section half way up where the building stones lye bare.
There are remains of badly preserved plaster on the wall. They are mainly found in patches under the section of bare stones and several layers of plaster coating can be seen in the eastern part. Some plaster is also preserved above the bare stones especially in the east half. A small patch of white wall plaster located in the west corner is seen continuing behind the west wall. This suggests that the south wall was built before the west one.

l. 3.62;

preserved reconstructed h. max 3.75, min 3.35

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