Water conduits (constructed)


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

Conduit by W wall: The conduit is constructed in a reddish plaster, with a coating of clay mortar, stone, brick/tile and terracotta spoils, above this area covering tiles which in turn are covered with clay mortar and stone.

A core of reddish mortar was found under the hard core where the work had stopped. A layer of plaster found 2-3 cm from the lavapesta floor, 7 cm thick. This plaster layer was also found at places in the room, and should therefore not be included in the conduit structure? The first extension and appearance of the conduit is therefore misleading. Though, it could be a mould around the red plaster, which could be the lining of the conduit. The floor under the clay mortar coating is reddish, though this is no new level.

Imprints of stones/tiles are visible, the structure has been higher, we cannot say how high. No other traces of a second floor o floor level, more than the present. The structure continues in front of the door, and trough the opening a threshold! It is however difficult to explain the clay mortar around the red plaster, could it be a result of the water flow and lime transpiring out of the mortar. The lavapesta floor seems to be laid against the conduit, ie the conduit are older than the floor. It is difficult so say, it could also be a constructional sequence. Burnt charcoal found under the floor, though no other level found.

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