West Wall


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

The west wall of room f has a high door opening towards the atrium, slightly off centre (towards the north), with a lava threshold.

The southern part was built against the plastered face of the S wall, without binding stones, and it contains an incertum mix in grey earth mortar of approximately 50% limestone and smaller quantities of tufa, lava, tile and spoils of cocciopesto. The door opening is here framed by large, horizontal roof tiles intersected with cut tufa blocks in the lower part and limestone stones in the upper part.

The northern doorframe has a base of lava incertum, its face being eroded, but the upper part is built with rectangular limestone blocks. Between the blocks is mortar which has modern mortar added on the exterior for protection.

The northern part of the wall includes several architectural styles, excluding the vertical line of limestone blocks. The lower part is lava incertum whereas the upper part is opus incertum with mainly limestone. To the north, towards the tile pier of the door opening to room e, is a tiled mending of the wall.

Red-painted plaster is preserved along the floor. It is a type G plaster and has remains of a white line both along the floor and along the southern wall, meeting in a corner. There are also patches of a thin layer of a rougher red plaster.

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