Door (closed)


Mats Holmlund

The closed door is located circa 1.90 m from the west corner of the north wall. It was circa 0.80 m wide, but the height is impossible to determine, since the "closed" area partly has been cut through by a repaired breach in the wall and partly been cut off by a reconstruction of the wall. The west doorpost is built in opus testaceum. It is 0.55 m wide at its widest point, 0.30 m at its base, and circa 0.80 m high. The west doorpost can be dicerned up to a height of circa 1.00 m from the ground level, but then disappears. The east doorpost is outlined by a slim strip of tiles that corresponds to a similar feature in the south wall of room 1 in taberna V 1,30. The strip is circa 0.10 m wide and 0.65 m high.

The purpose of the door is unclear, but indicates that taberna V 1,31 and 1,30 at some point in time was part of the same shop and/or workshop. This (former and continued) close relation between the two tabernae is further evidenced by the "second" water conduit in taberna V 1,31 feeding the cistern below the floor in room 1 of taberna V 1,30.

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