Room 13 (tablinum)


Thomas Staub

The Tablinum (room 13) is situated in the traditional location between the atrium and the peristyle of the house. Its prime orientation towards the atrium is indicated by the continuation of the floor from the one room into the other, the division is indicated only by some rows of white marble pieces set into the floor. Also the entire south side opens up towards the atrium, whereas narrow walls are flanking the still very wide opening towards the peristyle. Two steps at the northern side of the room are inserted to even out the difference in the floor levels due to the rising ground towards the north in the house. The two side walls (east and west) are largely damaged and repaired probably in the bourbon period, shortly after the excavation of this part of the house in the 1830ies. What remains of the ancient structures show that the walls belong to the original building phase of the house.
The walls showed remains of the decorations belonging to the Second Style, which were in a poor state of preservation already in the 19th century.

This part of the house was excavated between 1836 and 1838 (Pompeianarum Antiquitatum Historia vol. 2 (Fiorelli 1862, 329 - 353))

Dimensions: 4.84 - 5.03 m x 5.40 - 5.45 m = 26.77 m²

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