West Wall


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

West wall, north part
The wall is located between 27 and Via del Vesuvio. It has a north-south orientation.

The wall is built in opus quadratum and consists mostly of large limestone blocks and in the uppermost part, by the entrance, there are blocks of tuff. The large blocks are placed as binders and stretchers by the entrance.

About 5 cm north of the entrance, at the height of 2.03 m, there is a vertical hollow, cavity that is 20 cm high, 14 cm wide and 8 cm deep.

Wall-plaster: The wall-plaster is partially preserved in the lower part of the wall. In the northwest corner the latest layers of wall-plaster and the plaster coating continue on to the north wall. The plaster in the lower part of the wall seems to be white or grey up to the level of 1.39m above the threshold at the entrance. Under the lower block of tuff, in the uppermost part of the wall, there are remains of yellow wall-plaster. The preserved wall-plaster has a course texture.

State of preservation: the upper part of the wall is missing.

West wall, south part
The wall is located between 27 and Via del Vesuvio. It has a north-south orientation.

The wall is built in opus quadratum and consists mostly of large limestone blocks. The large blocks are placed as binders and stretchers by the entrance.
In the upper part of the wall, behind the large block placed vertically by the entrance, there seems to be some opus incertum, also made of limestone.

Wall-plaster: The wall-plaster is partially preserved in the lower part of the wall. There is a piece of terra cotta in the plaster coating and some red wall-plaster of rough texture in the lower part of the wall by the southwest corner. The latest layers of wall-plaster and plaster coating continue on to the south wall.

State of preservation: the upper part of the wall is missing and the uppermost part of the standing structure is reconstructed.

West wall, north part

Dimensions: l. 1.0 m; h. 4.90 m.

West wall, south part

Dimensions: l. 1.19 m; h. 4.98 m.

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