North Wall


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

The wall is located between room f and atriumb

In the W part the wall is built in mainly in op. incertum except for the doorpost that is built of limestone blocks. The wall consists mostly of lava stones, some limestone especially in the upper part, some yellow tuff, one piece of cruma and a layer of bricks. The lower NW corner has been reconstructed with lime stone and cruma up to a level of 1.25m. There are five beam-holes at the height of 2.60m. Just below the beam-holes there are three layers of bricks. The beam-holes mark the level of a second floor. The reconstructed lowermost part of the wall and the shape of it mirror the niche in the south wall. It may have been a similar niche that has been filled in.
In the E part the wall is built in mainly in op. incertum except for the doorpost that is built of limestone blocks. The wall consists mostly of lava stones, some limestone especially in the upper part, some yellow tuff, one piece of cruma and a layer of bricks. The lower NW corner has been reconstructed with lime stone and cruma up to a level of 1.25m. There are five beam-holes at the height of 2.60m. Just below the beam-holes there are three layers of bricks.

The door opening is made mainly out of limestone blocks and one cruma block, except for the south side of the eastern post that has been built with lava stones, one piece of grey tufa and one piece of limestone against the reused limestone block. There are remains of plaster on the limestone blocks in the door opening. The lowermost block in the E part is reused, as there are remains of plaster on the side facing the stones of the wall.

Wall plaster:
There are remains of plaster left in the NW corner and the eastern edge by the doorpost.
In the NW corner the uppermost layer consists of plaster coating. White plaster with a red vertical band is visible below. By the doorpost the white plaster has cuttings on the surface. In the upper part just below the beam-holes there are remains of green colour. At the height of 0.80m there is a red horizontal line.

State of preservation:
Upper part missing, uppermost part restord. NW corner, lowermost part, reconstructed

Wall: W part w. 1.60m; E part w. 1.00m; h. 4.35-4.42

Door opening: w. 1.26m; E door post 0.42m; W door post 0.43m

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