North Wall


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

The lower part of the north wall of room f is made in lava incertum and along the floor are still patches of painted plaster. Above the lava, the incertum wall contains mainly limestone and some lava and cruma stones. To the west is the doorway to room e with a reconstructed lintel.

Along the floor, fragments of red plaster of two different types of quality (the later one has a rougher texture) are preserved and next to the NE corner is a white-painted vertical line. In the NE corner are also two small fragments of painted plaster in black and yellow. These are partly covered by white plaster with a vertical red line following the line of the corner. The latter layer continues onto the E wall and it is identified as a type G. A spoil in the north wall has type I plaster.

In an E-W band above the reconstructed lintel, the wall has been fortified with modern mortar.

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