Room 17


Thomas Staub

Room 17 is the southernmost room to the west of the atrium (approx. 2.20 - 2.60 m x 3.00 m). It is L-shaped with a narrow door (width: 0.67 m) opening up from the atrium in its south-east corner. It was probably used as a storeroom and contains a base for a staircase to an upper floor in its north-eastern corner. The walls are mostly constructed in opus incertum of lava-stone and in the upper mainly cruma. The room was probably not decorated and shows only remains after a reddish, more or less water-prof plaster with a high quantity of ceramic split. The floor seems to have been made of beaten earth.

This part of the house was excavated between 1836 and 1838 (Pompeianarum Antiquitatum Historia vol. 2 (Fiorelli 1862, 329 - 353))

Dimensions: 2.20 - 2.60 m x 1.40 m = 3.36 m² and Anteroom 17: Dimensions: 2.20 x 1.60 m = 3.52 m²

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