Installations in floor


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

Stone foundation built aganst the E wall of V.1. 25

Foundation built in opus incertum, consists of limestone, cruma, lava. Large limestone blocks in the S part as steps. SW corner is partly destroyed. Behind the foundation, there are remains of wall plaster.

The N half of the foundation seems to be a modern construction, built with cement, and the top level is below the level of the first step. During the cleaning of the floor level in 2005, we found out that the N edge of this part did not rest on any floor, but on lapilli and a marble spolium under the NW corner partly covering the cess pitl of the latrine in the NE corner of the taberna. This stone foundation presumably supported the lowest part of a wooden ladder leading up to the second floor.

Length 2.0 m. Depth 0.89 m. Height S: 0.56 m; N: 0.39 m. Height of the step 0.19 m.

Depth of the step above the base: 0.62 m.

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