Door (closed)


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

The closed door in W wall of room e

On this side of the wall it is not possible to see the closed door that is traceable in room b. One can, however, see a horizontal line in the wall just above the large block (2-4), though it is very faint. There is a significant difference in floor levels between the rooms, the floor of room e being c. 0.43m higher, and this might be the reason that the closed door is more difficult to discern this side of the wall. The difference in floor levels is a feature we have yet to understand.

A rectangular, well-cut hole (a) is found in block 2, 0.64m above the floor and 0.90m from the N wall. Its size (H: 0.05m; W: 0.12m) fits the end of a wooden board.

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