Room s


Thomas Staub

Room s, entered by a doorway from corridor q and with its east wall bording on the narrow side street Vicolo di Caecilius Iucundus, is the third one, counted from the south in a row of five smaller rooms. An Oval window opens up towards the street, another one , situated in the prolongation of the south wall was walled up in antiquity, indicating that the original lay-out of this area has undergone a change. Beamholes in the east wall (the equivalent area of the west wall is a modern repair) again show that the room was covered by a second floor, probably as a part of an independent apartment accessible through the entrance V 1,12. If the room was decorated or not not, can not be detremined anymore. Thus also the function of the room remains unassured, only its location between storage-room r and culinat could indicate, that the room was related to some household activity.
No remains of decorations nor of a pavement are preserved. The predominant mural technique is an Opus incertum containing mixed materials, except fot the higher part of the east wall which consists of nearly pure Cruma. Some areas made of Opus vittatum can be descerned as well. Extensive modern repairs from several periods hampers the possibilities for detailed observations.

L N-Wand, ca. 2.68 m

L S-Wand, ca. 3.12 m + 0.38 m Türlaibung = 2.76 m

L W-Wand, ca. 2.32 m

L O-Wand, ca. 2.38 m

Fläche ca. 6.40 m2.

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