

Mats Holmlund

Almost the entire floor of room 3 is missing and the only remains of it is the bedding of it. The only extant part of the floor is an approximately 0.90 m wide and 0.80 m high "tiled" area in the east corner of the corridor. The tiles presumably served as a protection from splashes from the latrine and against the users from slipping on the wet floor around it.

The bedding of the floor consists of tightly packed earth and it covers the corridor.

The tiled area is made up of a number of broken roof tiles arranged in a way that creates a slight slope towards the drain of the latrine. The largest tile is circa 0.34 m wide at the widest point (and 0.20 m at the narrowest) and 0.44 m long. All other tiles are smaller and of various sizes.

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