Room b


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

The room b was connected with room a in the west through a narrow door-opening and a short flight of steps. The south wall shows substantial earthquake repairs.
A filled in door in the northern wall shows that the room was connected to the atrium of V 1,23 in an earlier phase.
In its latest phase it had a lavapesta floor. Remains of an earlier cocciopesto floor can be seen in the western part of the room. The lavapesta floor of the latest period was made against the earthquake repairs in the south wall, at the same time as the filled in door in the north wall was built above the same lavapesta floor. This shows that room b of taberna 24 was walled off from the atrium of V 1,23 after the earthquake in AD 62.

The small rectangular room measures 2.4 by 2.4 m.

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