North Wall


Thomas Staub

Nearly the entire wall is taken up by the dooropening towards fauces 3. The wall is built in opus quadratum using tuff stone blocks. On the western side six rows are preserved, the lowest, placed on top of the 0.15 m high threshold with a height of 0.67 m, the second with a height of 0.82 m, the others with a height of 0.7 m. The second, fourth and sixth blocks are engaged into the west wall. . On the eastern side six rows are preserved, the lowest, placed on top of the 0.15 m high threshold with a height of 0.67 m, the second with a height of 0.82 m, the others with a height of 0.7 m. The second, fourth and sixth blocks are engaged into the east wall. The second block also protrudes 0.05 m to the South in line with the east wall, thus engaging into it.

w: 2.47 m, door towards fauces 3: w: 1.92 m. Western part: w: 0.28 m, max. preserved h: 4.45 m, Eastern part: w: 0.27 m, max. preserved h: 5.15 m.

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