East Wall


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

The east wall of room f shows traces of several phases. At approximately one third of its length towards the south is its highest preserved ancient point. To the north it is partly reconstructed, and to the south, part of the wall has fallen out, thereby exposing the exterior structure of oven z with its earth mortar and pieces of tiles and lava.

The wall in the southern part is mainly made up of lava incertum but with a few inclusions of cruma, limestone and tiles. From the highest ancient point and down to the floor, is a line of limestone blocks placed both upright and vertically. The northern line of of these blocks is completely straight, indicating that they once constituted the end of that wall. Either the blocks composed a doorframe or the exterior corner of an earlier room towards the east.

Below the modern restoration in the northern part the wall is constructed with opus incertum in limestone and lava with a few pieces of tiles and spoils. It is noteworthy that the stones are of an unusually small size.

The decorated plaster is of type G, as is the latest plaster layer of the other three walls in room f.

Red-painted plaster is preserved along the floor, with traces of a single white line both along the floor and along the NE corner.

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