

Renée Forsell

There are no remains of flooring. A rectangular basin surrounded on three sides by benches, and on the fourth side by an edge of cut lava blocks takes up most of the floor area. In the SW a cistern with a lava-stone rim is located and S of the cistern there are stones, and fragments of tiles, which have been part of the floor bedding. Remains of a lead water pipe that carried aqueduct water to the room can be seen, in the floor bedding. It was running from the threshold towards the W bench. Further E, flat slabs are placed running towards the SW corner of the basin. These would be covering the conduit leading excess water from the basin towards the atrium.
The door opening between room d and the atrium has a lava threshold. The threshold is higher towards the atrium shoving that the doors opened into room d. The higher part has two holes, one to each side for doorframe fittings. The lower part have one larger round pivot hole to each side and two small bolt holes.
The door opening towards the triclinium have no threshold just l-shaped side-plates of lava slabs along the pillar and the pilaster. This lack of threshold is an indication that the cocciopesto floor of room4 once continued into room d.

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