Room c


Thomas Staub

This quite small room (approx. 5.6 m²) might earlier have served as a cubiculum, but in at least the last stage in the history of the house it probably served as a storage room (Cf. A. Mau: „piccola e rozza“ (1877, p.18)) On most of the walls preserved wall plaster hampers a complete study of the building material. But it seems, that most of the walls are constructed in opus incertum, only the lower parts of the south wall is constructed in opus testaceum, its upper part is again made of opus incertum, here mainly using Sarno stone. In the north wall the rubble also consistes of mainly Sarno stone but containes also at least one spoil from a pavement, in the east wall it consistes of mainly lava stone but contains some spoils as well, here of plaster. Finally, in the west wall the rubble seems to be of a verry mixed nature. The upper parts of the walls and the roof are a result of the most recent restorations carried out in 2011-12.
Remains of an earlier stucco-frieze and holes in the walls for a vaulted ceiling in the north wall indicate the earlier function of this room as a cubiculum. Many metall remains on alll walls, probably after nails and the total lack of decorations, both now and in the earlier descriptions are indicators for its later use as storage room. The floor seems to consist of a simple lava pesta coating.

L N-Wand:1.94 m

L S-Wand:1.95 m

L O-Wand:2.91 m

L W-Wand:2.93 m

Fläche ca. 5.63 m2

Tiefe der Türlaibung 0.49 m ( = Stärke der S-Wand)

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