East Wall


Thomas Staub

E wall: width 6.70 m, max. preserved height 3.90 m. This wall is generally divided into three horizontal areas: from the bottom up, between 0.10 m till 1.70 m height, the wall is built with lava-incertum, set into reddish mortar, above this zone up to 2.25 - 2.80 m height, is a construction with opus incertum, with mainly Sarno stone covered with modern concrete but, when visible, set into a yellowish mortar, and above this is the uppermost part consisting of larger stones (between fist large and 0.30 x 0.20 m in size) of cruma, lava and Sarno stone, mainly with modern concrete. Near the south-east corner, two Sarno stone blocks are set into the lava-incertum, one protruding from the southern doorframe of V 1,9 into this wall (0.25 x 0.40 m) and the other placed under its lower corner (0.70 x 0.20 m). At ca. 3.50 m from the north-east corner, a 0.30 m wide zone at the bottom the lava-incertum has been replaced by a more mixed opus incertum with Sarno stone, cruma and pieces of brick. At 1.20 m height, one stone (0.30 x 0.15 m) is visible, which reminds of lava but has a green colour with rusty brown insertions.

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