Field Campaign 2003

2003 was the first year with a split campaign: a summer campaign (14th July – 29 Aug) oriented towards Casa di Caecilius Iucundus, and an autumn campaign (8th Sept – 17th Oct).

Prof Anne-Marie Leander Touati, SU: project director

Doc Arja Karivieri, SU: joint field director
FD Renée Forsell, LU: joint field director

FK Ezequiel Pinto-Guillaume: architectural drawings, ceramics specialist and chief finds illustrator
Michel Hagedorn, GU: assistant
Berit Kaussel, GU: assistant
Henrik Prohászka, GU: trainee
Lotta Sandeklev: volunteer

The project has for practical resons been divided into two annual field seasons. The summer campaign of 2003 was concentrated to Casa di Cacilius Iucundus under the shared responsibility of Arja Karivieri and Renée Forsell.

Work in Casa di Caecilius Iucundus (V 1,26) and Annex (V 1,23)
Karivieri and Forsell carried out a thorough documentation of the atrium in Casa di Caecilius Iucundus and the ajoining rooms, but also continued work in the peristyle where supplementary information added to the knowledge of the history of the building and its decorations. Masonry, floor decorations, stucco friezes, thresholds and water conduits were studied. Hagedorn was responsible for cleaning and investigating the drainage system of the building. Measurements and plans were executed by Pinto-Guillaume with the assistance of Kaussel and Prohászka; Kaussel also produced copies on plastic film in 1:1 scale of the mosaic floors in exedra o, fauces and in both alae, and of the stucco relief of the lararium in exedra r and the stucco decoration of cubiculum p.
Karivieri and Forsell reviewed the results from the plaster analyses in V 1,23 and compiled, together with Pettersson, a list of supplements for continued studies.

Dr Phil Margareta Staub Gierow, SU, stationed at Archäologisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg: field director

FD Henrik Boman, GU: archaeologist
Doc Arja Karivieri, SU: archaeologist

Ezequiel Pinto-Guillaume: architectural drawings, ceramics specialist and chief finds illustrator
Richard Holmgren: draughtsperson
Emanuel Savini, SU: total station survey
Henrik Gerding, LU: total station survey
Carin Pettersson, conservator: plaster analysis
Synnöve Karlsson, conservator: plaster analysis, assistant
Thomas Staub, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg: assistant, logistics

Veronica Ericsson, UU: assistant.
Cecilia Klynne, UU: assistant.
Anna Lindqvist, GU: trainee
Karin Lundkvist, GU: trainee
Julia Habetzeder, SU: trainee
Mónica Saldías, UU: trainee
Mats Bergman, GU: trainee
Marie-Laetitia Pieri, Université de Provence: volunteer, draughtsperson

Work continued in Building complex V 1,14-16 under the responsibility of Henrik Boman, in Casa degli Epigrammi greci (V 1,18) under the responsibility of Margareta Staub Gierow and in Casa di Caecilius Iucundus (V 1,26) where Arja Karivieri continued the studies that started during the summer campaign.

Work in Building complex V 1,14-16
Boman was responsible for the clearing and cleaning of the dumped waste material in Building complex V 1,14-16. Vitiello was again the contractor that attended to the transportation of the soil to a designated area outside the archaeological site. At the end of the season, the whole building had been cleaned with the exception of a small area in the northeastern corner where a small, unstable wall prevented further work. Direttore degli Scavi Dott. A. d’Ambrosio will during the winter undertake the task to support the wall so that the work can be finished next year.
Klynne, Bergman, Habetzeder, Lundkvist and Staub assisted with the examination of the dumped soil before it was removed and with the cleaning of floors as well as documentation of floor decorations. Measurements and plans were carried out by Pinto-Guillaume with the assistance of Pieri, Boman made a systematic photographic documentation of the building and Pettersson, assisted by Karlsson, sampled plaster for analysis and evaluation. After the investigations of this year’s campaign, some uncertainty as to how the premises were used during the last phase has arised. Although earlier used as a bakery, it is possible that other forms of crafts replaced the baking facilities and future studies will inquire into both this question and the use of the building in its earlier phases.

Work in Casa degli Epigrammi greci (V 1,18)
Staub Gierow continued work in Casa degli Epigrammi greci by documenting the garden, the three porticoes of the peristyle, room k and the economy quarters. The water conduits of the building – in fauces, atrium, andron, garden and economy quarters – were uncovered and then drawn by Lindqvist. Other plans and drawings of separate details, as well as section drawings and measurements were the responsibility of Pinto-Guillaume, aided by Pieri and Saldías. The adjoing taberna V 1,17 was also cleaned and features like latrina, cistern and staircase were measured and drawn.
The measurement documentation with total station was concluded by Savini, Ericson and Habetzeder in both the front part of the building and in the economy quarters. After a review of earlier fresco documentation, the drawings were supplemented by Holmgren and he then completed the work in Casa degli Epigrammi greci by drawing the decorations of exedra o. Pettersson and Karlsson supplemented earlier plaster examinations and Staub continued the systematic photographic documentation of walls, floors and some decorative features.

Work in Casa di Caecilius Iucundus (V 1,26) and Annex (V 1,23)
Karivieri continued work in Casa di Caecilius Iucundus. Additional mosaic floors were copied on plastic film on a 1:1 scale and the water conduit in the eastern portico of the peristyle was measured and drawn with the help of a total station. Holmgren supplemented the fresco copies with some details.
After consulting Karivieri and Staub Gierow, Pettersson and Karlsson continued work with the plaster analysis of the walls in V 1,23.

Other activities
Gerding and Savini investigated the conditions for future digital documentation of the insula with the help of Photomodeler, a new software for producing threedimensional models.
Staub studied the thresholds of the insula in order to establish a chronological typology and parallels from other city blocks were also part of the study. The aim is to be able to use thresholds as a tool for dating different building phases within the insula.
Visits to the project, with groups of both archaeologists and students, were frequent. Dr Mark Robinson, responsible for the investigations of sacrificial pits in Casa dei Postumii and in VI 16,19, discussed with Staub Gierow the possibility of a future joint project in the garden of Casa degli Epigrammi greci.

Report: Margareta Staub Gierow & Renée Forsell
Edited and translated into English by Monica Nilsson
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