Outer walls


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

Of the outer walls of V 1,15a only the southern doorpost is standing. The northern wall was destroyed in 1943.

Two cubic capitals were originally decorating the entrance. The walls were covered with plaster, with a red lower zone to a height of c. 1.6m and a white coat above that. Grafitti was found on the walls (Mau 1877, 131).

Damage during WWII
The outer walls of V 1,15 and 16h were severely damaged in the aerial bombing of 16 September 1943 (see pre-war photo in García y García 2006, fig. 92). Further damage was caused by the 1980 earthquake, as the photo of the S wall of V 1,14 in PPM shows (PPM III, 534, fig. 2). The original cubic capitals over doorway V 1,15 were in the postwar, or post earthquake, reconstruction placed above doorway 16, which, no doubt, signifies the extent of the damage caused by the bombing (Boman & Nilsson 2006, 146; García y García 2006, fig. 92).

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